Friday 22 May 2009

Hello again

Ahmygawd. It's been like, a year (surely?) since I last blogged. I was sitting on the 26C bus earlier today, feeling sorry for myself because I had nobody to share my stories with, and then I thought: *Crikey Moses! Remember the days when I used to pour my heart out online, and ramble about nonsense to completely nobody?*
So, here I be! Armed with a brand spanking new blogthaaang. :D

I would like to take this oppertunity to update all of you lovely people about my life. *whoa, I just sneezed all over the mouse and keyboard… hold on, lemme clean, okay.* Like I was saying, In the last 12(ish) months, I have: fallen in love with rocky bars, become a hardcore spooner, watched death note 1298 times, realised how much Matt looks like L, got a job, lost a job, finished school, found a £20 note, aaaand.. yeah, ok. I have wasted a year by doing not-much-at-all.

Here are some visual aids for you, maybe this will make my life seem more interesting:

I sprouted whiskers, and became best
friends with a helicopter-owning posman

I went on to evolve into a professional meerkat
(NB: I cannot find you cheap car insurance!)

Mastered the art of *Hide n' Seek!*

Took some incredibly emo pictures..

..Okay, I'll admit it. I haven't exactly got anything amazing to say about the past year, but no worries! I'll have cool stories real soon, I can feel it. Aww yeah.

Life is getting better, I think.
Less stress, and more alcohol.... much more alcohol. ;)

I'm done talking. Love love love love love!!

PS: I watched Star Trek today. Again. Here's why:



Billy said...

i'm sat next to you
you smell like honey =]
i like honey
not as much as i like your blog posts
how exciting
i miss your crazy stories
om nom nommmmmmmmm

Calvin said...

Joanna, honey
You are so Funny
You're like a Hanky
When my nose is Runny
